
鸟叔105 -心理学入门 (3学时)
A survey of the main fields of psychology: the history and methods of psychology, 神经和内分泌系统, 感觉, 感知, 意识, 学习, 内存, 高级认知过程, 发展心理学, 动机, 情感, 压力, 人格理论, 性, 情报, 心理测试, 变态心理学, 心理治疗, 社会心理学, 以及应用心理学.

鸟叔270 -认知心理学 (3学时) 
An in-depth survey of the fields of cognitive psychology: physiological, 感觉, 感知, 学习, 内存, 语言, 和认知. 先决条件:Psy 105.

鸟叔300 -发展心理学 (3学时) 
A study of human growth and development from conception to death. 这门课是关于物理的, 社会, 情感, 知识, 道德, 以及各个年龄段的人格发展, and the respective theories; the effects of heredity and environment on the develop- mental process. 前提条件:鸟叔105或教练的许可.

鸟叔303 -介绍咨询 (3学时) 
An introduction to the theories and practices of contemporary personal, 婚姻, 与- - -集成电路, 职业咨询. Emphasis is placed on facilitative responses, listening, and other helping skills. Includes taped counseling interviews, case studies, and role-playing. Prerequisites: Psy 102, 105, or equivalent; junior status.

鸟叔350 -变态心理学 (3学时) 
不正常的精神病理学, 包括精神障碍, 他们的治疗, 解释精神病理学的模型, 以及社区健康项目. 先决条件:Psy 105.

鸟叔365 -人格理论 (3学时) 
An examination of the most prominent personality theories in terms of their origins, 对当代心理学思想的影响, 以及心理学作为一门人文科学的相关性. Prerequisites: Psy 105 and junior status with at least 9 credit hours in psychology.

鸟叔370 -心理学主题 (3学时) 
Various topics in psychology will be taught on a rotating basis, 根据学生的需要和兴趣. 主题包括(但不限于)健康心理学, 运动心理学, 法医心理学, 精神药理学, 人类遗传学, 认知康复, 环境心理学, 和宗教心理学. 课程可以选修多次. 先决条件:Psy 105.

鸟叔380 -生物心理学 (3学时)
An overview of the structure and function of the human nervous system as it affects human processes such as 内存, 情绪, 学习, and psychopathology; also covered are the effects of brain damage on behavior. 前提条件:鸟叔105或教练的许可.

鸟叔405 -研究方法 (3学时)
An introduction to the scientific method and the various types of research. 学生将制定研究计划. Prerequisites: Psy 105 or equivalent; Mth 250; junior status with at least 12 credit hours in psychology. 请替换405.

Psy 406 -历史和系统的心理学 (3学时)
Begins with psychology’s origins in philosophy and covers various schools of psychology, 实验心理学的发展, 精神分析对心理学的影响, 人文主义心理学的发展趋势. 推荐:Psy 105和初级/高级状态.